Jacksonville, AR Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Jacksonville, AR Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

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    Whether you are working on a construction site, in an office building, from your vehicle, or in any other type of setting, you may be subject to harmful workplace accidents. There are several types of accidents that can cause employees to suffer on-the-job injuries. For example, such injuries may stem from slip and fall accidents, vehicle accidents, repetitive motions, or chemical exposure.

    In any case, employees who are hurt on the job may pursue Workers’ Compensation benefits for damages they sustained. However, the process for recovering adequate compensation can be complicated. Our legal team is prepared to assist injured workers when fighting for the payment they deserve.

    If you were hurt at work in Jacksonville, AR, get support from our Workers’ Compensation lawyers by dialing (479) 316-0438 for a free review of your case.

    Common Workplace Injuries that Occur in Jacksonville, AR

    There are many types of workplace injuries that can occur. If you suffered any of the following while at work, then our Workers’ Compensation lawyers can help pursue the benefits available to you:

    Broken Bones

    Work-related broken bones are often caused by accidents such as falls from heights, being struck by heavy objects, or vehicular collisions on the job. These injuries can lead to fractures in various parts of the body, such as arms, legs, ribs, or the pelvis. Treatment options may include casting, immobilization, and sometimes surgical intervention. In severe cases, rehabilitation and physical therapy might be necessary to aid recovery.

    Spinal Cord Injuries:

    Spinal cord injuries can result from falls, workplace accidents involving machinery, or construction site incidents. These injuries can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation, or impaired mobility. Treatment may involve surgeries, medication, and ongoing rehabilitative therapies, including physical and occupational therapy. The goal is to maximize recovery and improve the injured person’s quality of life.

    Soft Tissue Damage

    Soft tissue injuries, such as sprains, strains, or tears in muscles, ligaments, and tendons, can happen due to sudden movements, lifting heavy objects, or overexertion. These injuries may cause pain, swelling, and limited range of motion. Treatment often includes rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE), as well as physical therapy to restore strength and flexibility.

    Head Injuries

    Head injuries can occur in various workplaces, including construction sites or warehouses, where objects may fall or workers may be struck by moving equipment. These injuries range from concussions to more severe traumatic brain injuries. Treatment may involve medical evaluation, rest, and monitoring for symptoms. Severe cases might require specialized therapies and rehabilitation to manage cognitive and physical impairments.

    Repetitive Stress Injuries

    Repetitive stress injuries develop over time because of repeated motions, such as typing, using tools, or lifting heavy objects. Conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis fall into this category. Treatment may involve lifestyle modifications, ergonomic improvements, physical therapy, and, in some cases, surgery. Early intervention is important to prevent worsening of symptoms.

    Chemical Exposure Injuries

    Chemical exposure injuries can occur in industries where workers are regularly exposed to hazardous substances. These injuries can range from skin irritation to respiratory issues or long-term health complications. Treatment involves immediate removal from the hazardous environment, medical evaluation, and appropriate medical care to manage symptoms and prevent further harm.

    Burns and Electrical Injuries

    Burns can result from exposure to flames, hot surfaces, chemicals, or electrical sources. Electrical injuries may occur due to faulty equipment or unsafe electrical systems. Treatment for burns includes immediate first aid, wound care, and potentially skin grafts. Electrical injuries may require medical evaluation to assess internal damage, and treatment may involve managing pain and addressing complications.

    Vision and Hearing Loss

    Workers in noisy environments or those exposed to bright lights or hazardous substances may experience vision or hearing loss over time. These injuries can impact one’s quality of life and ability to perform their job. Treatment may include corrective measures like glasses or hearing aids, as well as vocational rehabilitation to assist in adapting to the changes.

    Psychological Injuries

    Psychological injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or anxiety, can result from traumatic incidents at work, such as accidents or violence. These injuries may not always be visible but can have a profound impact on a person’s well-being. Treatment involves therapy, counseling, and sometimes medication to manage symptoms and help the individual cope.


    Work-related accidents involving heavy machinery or equipment can lead to traumatic amputations of limbs or digits. Treatment involves immediate medical care to control bleeding, wound closure, and subsequent rehabilitation. Prosthetics and adaptive technologies may be necessary to help the individual regain functionality and independence.

    Common Challenges Faced by Workers’ Compensation Claimants in Jacksonville, AR

    Unfortunately, employers and their insurance companies often look for justifications to deny employees’ claims or complicate the settlement process. For instance, the following are all common challenges faced by Workers’ Compensation claimants in Jacksonville:

    Denial of Claims

    Workers’ compensation claims can be denied for various reasons, such as lack of sufficient evidence, disputes over the cause of the injury, or missed deadlines for reporting the incident. Claimants may need to navigate the appeals process to have their claims reconsidered.

    Insufficient Medical Evidence

    Insurance companies may require thorough medical documentation to support the claim. If medical records are incomplete or not detailed enough, it can lead to delays or denials.

    Pre-existing Conditions

    Claimants with pre-existing health conditions may encounter challenges when trying to prove that their workplace injury exacerbated or worsened their existing condition. Determining the extent of the workplace-related impact can be complex.

    Disputes over Causation

    Establishing a direct link between the workplace incident and the injury can be challenging, especially in cases where the cause is not immediately obvious. Employers or insurance providers may dispute the connection.

    Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs)

    Insurance companies may request IMEs to evaluate the claimant’s medical condition. These examinations can be stressful, and the opinions of the appointed medical examiner may differ from the claimant’s treating physician.

    Wage Loss Disputes

    Determining the appropriate amount of wage loss compensation can lead to disputes, especially for workers with irregular incomes or multiple jobs. Calculating lost wages accurately can be a challenge.

    Delays in Benefit Payments

    Delays in receiving benefit payments can cause financial strain for claimants, especially when medical bills and living expenses need to be covered promptly.

    Employer Retaliation

    Some workers fear employer retaliation, such as reduced hours, demotion, or termination, for filing a workers’ compensation claim. Legal protections exist to prevent such retaliation, but it remains a concern for many.

    Contact Our Workers’ Compensation Attorneys for Assistance with Your Case in Jacksonville, AR

    Seek guidance from our Workers’ Compensation lawyers today by calling (479) 316-0438.