Jacksonville, AR SSDI Lawyer

Jacksonville, AR SSDI Lawyer

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    In Jacksonville, to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) payments, your ability to work will be evaluated. The Social Security Administration (SSA) defines “disabled” as being unable to work, which is the basis for qualifying for SSDI benefits.

    Your current income will be considered by the SSA when assessing your work capacity. If you can support yourself financially, the SSA might not consider you “disabled.” The income limits for disability benefits are reviewed annually by the SSA. As a result, if you are unable to work, you might be eligible for gradually increasing benefits. We recommend that you confirm your eligibility for SSDI before submitting an application.

    Reach out to our SSDI attorneys at (479) 316-0438 to receive your free case review today.

    Qualifying for SSDI Benefits in Jacksonville, AR

    To receive disability payments from the Social Security Administration, certain criteria must be met to prove that an individual is classified as “disabled.” The severity of the disability is crucial, even if the individual has a qualifying condition. Our SSDI lawyers can assist with determining eligibility and preparing an application. To be considered “disabling” for Social Security Disability Insurance, the disability must be severe enough to prevent the individual from working. Exceptions can be made for conditions not listed if they are equally severe.

    The SSA determines the severity of a medical condition based on its effect on an individual’s ability to work. If an individual cannot move or transport themselves, it is unlikely they can work. If they require assistance with tasks such as applications, they might be eligible for SSDI. The SSA considers work experience and capabilities to determine if the individual can perform other types of work. For example, if an individual previously worked in an office but then switched to construction work, their disability might prevent them from performing construction tasks, but they might still be able to do office work. Typically, a complete inability to work due to a medical condition is necessary to qualify for SSDI.

    In Jacksonville, individuals capable of completing some job-related tasks can still apply for disability benefits. The Social Security Administration considers several factors and does not make definitive determinations regarding disability. They acknowledge that specific disabilities might be more appropriate for certain types of work. Therefore, those who can work in some capacity are not automatically excluded from receiving SSDI benefits. Eligibility is based on an individual’s earning potential, and the SSA assesses this to determine eligibility.

    Methods for Determining SSDI Benefits in Jacksonville, AR

    In order to be eligible for SSDI benefits, you must have contributed to Social Security for a minimum of five years within a ten-year time frame. Failing to meet this requirement will make you ineligible for benefits.

    If you have been without employment for five years, your disability insurance eligibility ends unless you have contributed to the system. To receive SSDI benefits, you will need to prove that you met the disability requirements prior to your insurance expiring. The timeline for this varies based on your employment history.

    The Social Security Administration has a formula to calculate your monthly SSDI benefit. Generally, the payments for SSDI are approximately $1,358 per month. Your monthly SSDI payment is determined by the amount of Social Security taxes you have paid throughout your lifetime.

    Calculating the monthly SSDI benefit involves using an “average indexed monthly earnings” (AIME) formula, which is based on your average earnings over a few years. The resulting AIME is then used to determine your “primary insurance amount” (PIA), which is the amount you will receive each month.

    There are different methods for determining your monthly benefits and PIA, such as using the Social Security Administration’s Online Benefits Calculator or creating an account with the SSA online for guidance.

    Your monthly SSDI payment might be subject to deductions for several reasons, such as earning income from employment, receiving compensation from Workers’ Compensation, receiving retirement benefits from the SSA, or receiving benefits from other insurance programs.

    SSDI Income Limits in Jacksonville, AR

    Over 8 million disabled workers in the US rely on the monthly disability benefits provided by the SSA to manage their medical expenses. Income thresholds for those who work while receiving disability benefits might increase with the start of a new year.

    Some jobs require minimal physical or mental activity, which might enable people with severe disabilities to continue working. The SSA’s definition of “disabled” is based on the amount of money earned each month. If you work a few hours each week but cannot make a living wage, you might still qualify for disability payments. However, if your injury does not prevent you from earning a living wage, you are not considered “disabled.”

    Substantial Gainful Activity

    When assessing your ability to work, the Social Security Administration considers whether you can perform a significant and profitable activity. To be considered capable of engaging in such activity, you must meet a specific monthly earnings threshold. If you exceed this threshold, you will not be eligible for SSD, as you are still deemed capable of working. However, if you cannot earn a living wage, you might qualify as “disabled” and unable to engage in substantial gainful activity.

    Income Limits in 2023

    The income threshold for SSA disability benefits is subject to change by the SSA on a periodic basis. Although the income amount might remain unchanged for a few years, it generally increases over time. In 2019, the income limit was set at $1,220 per month.

    However, for 2023, the Social Security income limit for non-blind workers has been raised to $1,470. In contrast, blind workers who already struggle with their vision, as well as other potential disabilities, are allowed a higher SGA limit of $2,460 per month. As a result, they can earn more money each month and still be eligible for disability benefits.

    Why SSDI Benefits Might Be Denied in Jacksonville, AR

    Insufficient medical evidence is a common reason why disability claims are denied. This is not because the claimant is not believed but rather because the organization cannot confirm the disability based on the information provided. To avoid this issue, it is important to include all necessary information during the initial claim or appeal process.

    Non-compliance with doctor’s orders or treatment programs might occur for various reasons, such as the inability to afford medication or treatments. This could negatively impact the determination of Social Security disability benefits by an administrative law judge. Therefore, it is important to complete the treatment plan to have the necessary records to support the claim.

    Individuals who receive SSI and SSDI must also adhere to monthly income limits known as substantial gainful income (SGA). Although all disabled individuals must comply with these limits, legally blind individuals are allowed to earn more on an average monthly basis before becoming ineligible for benefits.

    In 2023, the Social Security benefits income limit for non-blind individuals will be set at $1,470. Blind individuals have a higher SGA limit of $2,460 per month. It is important to stay aware of these limits as they are subject to periodic adjustments by the SSA.

    Our Jacksonville, AR SSDI Lawyers Can Help

    For a free case analysis with our SSDI lawyers, contact us today at (479) 316-0438.