Harris, AR Truck Accident Lawyer

Harris, AR Truck Accident Lawyer

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    Located outside of Fayetteville and along the winding and scenic Highway 16, Harris, Arkansas has a significant amount of large commercial truck traffic. Trucks provide a valuable function in transporting goods throughout the state and country. However, these powerful machines also cause catastrophic or fatal injuries when their drivers act recklessly or negligently.

    If you were hurt or lost a loved one in a truck accident, you need a personal injury attorney with experience handling complicated litigation. For over two decades, our Harris AR truck accident lawyers have successfully represented truck accident victims in court and negotiations with insurance companies.

    Our team of lawyers will advocate for your rights and fight for the compensation you deserve. We retain investigators, engineers, and medical experts to thoroughly investigate truck accidents. When someone is injured in a truck accident, their lives are often changed forever. To hold the responsible parties accountable, call (479) 316-0438.

    Steps to Take After a Harris, AR Truck Accident

    Truck accident cases are challenging. There are steps you could take immediately following an accident that will increase your chances of maximizing your potential compensation or settlement if you were not to blame for the accident.

    Contact Local Law Enforcement

    Truck accidents are major traffic events. Therefore, it is crucial that you contact local law enforcement. You want to make sure of two things: that medical personnel is dispatched to the accident scene and that an accident report is filed. The report will contain important information that our Harris truck accident layers will rely on when building your case.

    Seek Medical Treatment

    While this seems obvious if you require immediate medical attention, many people walk away from a truck accident with only cuts and bruises. However, there are some types of injuries, including soft-tissue damage, muscle tears, or certain head injuries that are not readily apparent following a crash. For your health and safety, it is advisable to see a physician as soon as possible.

    From a legal standpoint, having medical documentation of your injury is critical if you seek to reach a settlement agreement with an insurance company or file a personal injury lawsuit. You want to ensure you have evidence that links your injuries with the truck accident. This is especially important if you develop symptoms days or weeks after the crash. If you wait to see a doctor or lack sufficient medical documentation, an insurance company will attempt to discredit your injury complaints or argue that your injuries were the result of another incident.

    Gather Evidence From the Accident Scene

    Our firm will investigate the crash site, including examining the wrecked vehicles and visiting the location of the crash. However, the best evidence is available in the immediate aftermath of an accident. If you are physically capable, you can gather evidence to help your injury claim.

    Pictures of the accident scene will help determine what occurred. You should take photographs of every vehicle involved, including its relative position and damage sustained. Do not forget the road surface and debris. It could provide some clues as to what caused the wreck. You should also take pictures of any injuries you suffered in the crash.

    Gather the contact information of anyone who saw what happened. If testimony from a neutral third party corroborates your recollection of events, it will improve the strength of your case.

    You should also take some time to write down notes of what occurred. Memories fade over time, so it is important to write down as many details as possible. Our Harris truck accident lawyers will rely on this information when investigating the crash.

    Do Not Say or Sign Anything

    Unlike other accidents, when a truck driver or trucking company is involved, their insurance provider will immediately begin working to limit liability. In many cases, an insurance company will reach out directly to those injured in the crash, asking for statements or offering financial settlements.

    Insurance companies know that a fast settlement will help avoid a potentially lengthy and costly trial that could hurt their reputation. It is also not uncommon for an injured accident victim to accept a quick offer, despite not knowing the full value of their potential claim. If you are offered a settlement, we advise you to decline until you discuss your case with an experienced attorney.

    Contact Our Harris, AR Truck Accident Lawyers

    Before agreeing to an offer or signing a release, it is crucial to seek competent legal counsel. Truck accident cases are complicated and often involve multiple defendants and serious, life-altering injuries. Additionally, the insurance companies that protect truck drivers and trucking companies are aggressive when it comes to limiting their policyholder’s liability. You need an attorney with experience handling challenging truck accident cases.

    Damages Available After a Harris, AR Truck Accident

    Truck accident injuries are often life-altering. Our Harris truck accident lawyers will fight to recover your medical costs, including any future treatments you might require. Additionally, you are entitled to other financial compensation, including lost wages, home modifications, or home healthcare. If you cannot return to work, we will fight for the money you would have earned throughout your working life.

    The harm associated with a truck accident extends beyond economic losses. Truck accident victims often suffer from panic attacks, anxiety, depression, or other emotional distress. Our firm will work to see you are fairly compensated for your emotional trauma and physical pain, as well as your financial losses.

    Contact Our Harris, AR Truck Accident Lawyers to Review Your Case

    Do not let an insurer take advantage of you after a truck accident. Contact our Harris, AR truck accident lawyers to review your case and legal options. With over twenty years of experience, our team of lawyers and staff understand the challenges presented by a truck accident case. You can rely on our knowledge and resources while you focus on your health and medical care. Call (479) 316-0438 to discuss your truck accident case.