
How Long Does it Take to Get Approved for SSDI in Arkansas?

How long it takes for someone to be approved for SSDI benefits in Arkansas varies from person to person. For some, the application and decision-making process might be relatively quick, and they might be approved in a few short months. Others’ applications are denied, or their cases are more complex, and it might take longer before they are approved. Your lawyer can help you try to speed up the process so you get the benefits you need as soon as possible.

Talk to your attorney about what factors might help you get approved faster and what factors might slow your application down. If certain information about your medical condition or work history is lacking, the Social Security Administration (SSA) might take longer to review your case, or they might ask for clarification on certain issues. Providing a complete and detailed application the first time gives you a better chance of being approved quickly.

Speak to our Arkansas disability benefits lawyers to get a free case review by calling (479) 316-0438.

How Long Do I Have to Wait Before Being Approved for SSDI in Arkansas?

Unfortunately, the SSA is not known for its speed and efficiency, and SSDI applicants often must wait for some time before finding out if they are approved for benefits. How long an applicant must wait will vary from case to case, but it is pretty normal to wait for at least a few months before hearing anything back. The SSA claims it often takes about 6 to 8 months to make an initial decision on an application.

If the initial decision is positive and you are approved for SSDI benefits, congratulations! You can talk to our Bella Vista, AR disability benefits lawyers about maintaining your benefits and keeping the SSA updated on your medical condition and inability to work. If you are not approved, you might have a long road ahead before being approved for benefits.

You should receive a letter detailing why the SSA denied your application for SSDI benefits. Take this letter straight to your lawyer. They can help you take the next steps toward getting approved. For some, this might be reaching out to the SSA to correct a mistake or error in the application process. For others, they might have to begin the appeals process. Depending on how far into the appeals process your case goes, this could represent months or even years of work before you are approved.

Factors That Might Affect How Long it Takes to Get SSDI in Arkansas

The application for SSDI benefits is not a small task to complete. It must contain lengthy and thorough details about your condition, work history, and other factors the government may consider. Whether this information is provided, thorough, and complete will affect how long it takes for your application to be approved.

Your Medical Records

Depending on your medical or psychological condition, how long it has persisted, and how complex it is, your medical records might include a broad spectrum of documents and information. For those with more complex cases, it might take some time to gather all relevant medical information in one place.

To begin, we should have all your doctors’ names and contact details, including doctors you are currently seeing and doctors who have treated you in the past. We should also include information about which hospitals or clinics you have visited for treatment. We must also include information about medical tests you have gone through, your medication, and any other procedures performed as part of your treatment.

According to 20 C.F.R. § 404.1505(a), a disability must involve a physical or mental condition that prevents you from performing substantial gainful activity. Additionally, a disability must be expected to last for at least 12 months or end with death. We must make sure that your medical records contain information about your diagnosis and how it qualifies as a disability for SSDI.

If you include all necessary medical information with your initial application, you are more likely to make a decision about benefits sooner rather than later.

Your Work History

We must also focus on providing information about your work history. Only people with a history of working and paying into Social Security may be eligible for SSDI benefits. If you have never held a job and plan on applying through a spouse or parent, we need their information for your application.

To qualify for SSDI benefits, you need at least 40 work credits. If you are unfamiliar with work credits, do not worry. If you have a history of working, you likely have earned some work credits. While the exact number of work credits you need may vary with age, people generally need about 40. Younger people might need fewer credits as they likely have shorter work histories.

You may earn up to 4 credits each year, and 20 of your total credits must be from the last 10 years. A credit is earned for every $1,730 in wages you earn. Your work history must reflect that you have enough credits. If it does not, your case might take much longer to complete.

A Potential Appeal

We should also consider the possibility of an appeal if your application is initially denied. Not only would we wait several months at least before being notified of the appeal, but the appeals process might take several more months, possibly longer.

The appeals process for SSDI claims has four stages. First, we can ask for a reconsideration of your application. If that does not work, we can request a hearing before an administrative law judge. If your application is still denied, we can ask for a review of the hearing to see if there was an error in decision-making. If all else fails, we can take your case to federal district court on appeal. Depending on how far your appeal goes before you are approved, you might have to wait months or even over a year before getting SSDI benefits.

Contact Our Arkansas Disability Benefits Attorneys for Help with Your SSDI Application

Speak to our Crawford County disability benefits lawyers to get a free case review by calling (479) 316-0438.