
How Do You Collect Payment for Medical Bills in Arkansas?

After an accident, you might have experienced severe injuries that required intense and expensive medical treatment. An attorney can help you take legal action to collect payment for your medical bills.

There are various methods of collecting payments for medical bills, and your attorney can help you determine which one is best for your case. The first choice of many injured accident victims is to file an insurance claim. Unfortunately, insurance claims do not always pan out or might not be available. In such cases, you can file a personal injury lawsuit against the person who caused your accident. After you file a lawsuit, you can collect payment for your medical bills a bit faster through a settlement agreement. You may collect these payments even if you have health insurance, as most health insurance policies do not cover 100% of your costs. In many cases, the money is paid directly to the injured victim, although it might be directly to the medical facility that treated you.

If you were injured in an accident and incurred costly medical bills, our Arkansas personal injury attorneys can help you. Call us for a free case evaluation at (479) 316-0438.

Methods of Collecting Payment for Medical Bills in Arkansas

Depending on your situation, there might be different approaches to collecting payments for medical bills. Insurance is often the first choice of injured victims in a car accident. However, not every c=injured person can take advantage of insurance, and they might need to file a lawsuit. While lawsuits can help plaintiffs collect money for medical bills, they are often time-consuming and frustrating. A settlement agreement might be the best way for some people to quickly collect payment for medical costs.


An insurance claim might be the best way to collect payments for medical bills after an accident. Car accident cases often end with insurance claims because all drivers in Arkansas are required by law to carry insurance. Liability insurance, which all drivers must have, may cover at least $25,000 in bodily injuries per person and $50,000 per accident. It also includes $25,000 to cover property damage.

While situations like car accidents commonly involve insurance claims, insurance does not cover every kind of accident. For example, there is often no insurance to protect people when someone assaults them. In such cases, health insurance might help cover your medical expenses, although most insurance policies will not completely cover all your medical costs. Our Bella Vista personal injury attorneys can help you determine if insurance is available and how you can file a claim.


If your claims are denied, or insurance is unavailable, our team of attorneys can help you file a personal injury lawsuit. Lawsuits can be great ways for injured accident victims to get paid for their medical bills and other damages. Damages are at the heart of your lawsuit and must be calculated accurately, so you do not miss out on any compensation. Our Arkansas personal injury attorneys can help you begin your lawsuit and hopefully get compensation for your medical bills and other damages.

Medical bills are a form of special or economic damages. Special damages are the injuries or losses tied to a real financial cost. After being injured, whether in an accident or by someone’s intentional conduct, your hospital bills should be counted among your special damages. Medical treatment is often ongoing and might last indefinitely if you have severe injuries. In those cases, you can claim anticipated future medical bills as part of your damages.


Many injured plaintiffs file lawsuits but do not intend on seeing them through to a full trial. Most personal injury lawsuits end in settlement agreements between the defendant and plaintiff. A settlement agreement typically involves the defendant agreeing to cover the plaintiff’s damages, and the plaintiff agrees to drop the lawsuit. While these agreements are considered private and happen outside the courtroom, they are legally binding.

How much money you can collect from a settlement to pay for your medical bills depends on how we negotiate the deal. The more evidence you have that supports your claims for damages, the more leverage we have when negotiating. Our Johnson personal injury lawyers can help you negotiate to get all your medical bills paid for in addition to other damages.

Collecting Payments for Medical Bills with Health Insurance in Arkansas

Paying for medical bills is a big concern for anyone entering a hospital or doctor’s office. The cost of medical treatment continues to rise, and people involved in accidents are often unprepared to pay for their treatment. A lot of people rely on health insurance to cover their medical bills. However, health insurance rarely covers all your medical bills, and most injured patients must pay a lot of money out of pocket anyway.

You can still take legal action to collect payment for medical bills if your medical bills are covered by health insurance. Usually, health insurance does not kick in until you have reached your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money you must pay before your insurance company begins covering your expenses. Your deductible depends on who your insurance provider is and the terms of your policy.

Some injured people have very high deductibles and spend a lot of money on medical bills before the insurance covers anything. Our Harris personal injury attorneys can help you pursue legal action to collect payment for medical bills even if you are covered by health insurance.

Who Gets the Money After I Collect Payment for Medical Bills in Arkansas?

When collecting money for medical bills, we must consider who is the one doing the collecting. In many cases, the money is paid directly to the injured victim as a sort of reimbursement for the costs they have already paid from their own pockets. However, this is not the case in every situation. Our Arkansas personal injury attorneys can help you figure out the best way to get your medical bills paid.

In some cases, people are uninsured and have no money whatsoever to pay for medical bills. In such cases, the money you collect from insurance, a lawsuit, or settlement may be paid directly to the hospital or medical facility that treated you.

Call Our Arkansas Personal Injury Attorneys for Help with Your Case

You should not be burdened with costly medical bills because someone else’s negligence caused an accident. Our Rogers personal injury attorneys are prepared to help you decide the best way to collect payment. For a free case review, call (479) 316-0438.