There are few things more difficult for a hard-working individual to admit than the fact that they can no longer keep working and doing the things that they used to. Such an admission may only come after months or years of agony due to a condition that develops slowly, but becomes unmanageable. In other instances, a sudden injury due to recreational activities, a car accident, or a fall may make your past work impossible to perform. While there are disability insurance programs available for workers who can no longer perform a job or occupation, certain requirements and qualifications apply. At the most basic level, the benefits claimant must be able to satisfy both the program’s non-medical program requirements and its medical requirements. Furthermore, the claimant must be able to prove that he or she can meet these standards.
Fortunately, you don’t have to go through the SSDI or SSI application process alone. For more than 20 years, Fayetteville AR disability lawyer Ken Kieklak, has assisted people in northwest Arkansas with applying for SSDI benefits. To schedule a free and confidential initial consultation, call (479) 316-0438 today.
SSDI Trap #1: You Believe that Your Claim Will Receive Special Handling and Consideration
We are only human. While your injury or impairment may be a major presence in your life, the Social Security Administration hears many similar allegations day-in and day-out. If you assume that you can simply allege a problem and receive benefits due to the obviousness of your condition, you are likely to receive a benefits denial. In fact, most people receive a benefits denial at the initial stages – over 70 percent of all initial claims are denied.
Even if you filed without including sufficient or proper evidence showing your condition or conditions and limitations, all is not lost. All SSDI benefits applicants are entitled to appeal their matter. You should read and understand the reasons for your rejection letter. Then you should address each and every one of the reasons for your denial. Many times this will include the process finding, requesting, and analyzing medical, educational, and vocational records. Furthermore, the applicant should show the claims how the new evidence applies to the original determination including why that determination was in error.
SSDI Trap #2: You Wait to Apply for Benefits or to Speak to a Lawyer Until 12 Months Have Passed
Individuals who wait for the full 12 moths to elapse before filing their disability claim are certainly trying to do the right thing, but their inaction unnecessarily delays the processing and potential benefits award. While it is true that a benefits recipient must have a severe impairment that is expected to persist for at least a year or end in death, there is no requirement to delay filing until that time period has passed. Doing so will simply delay the first time when the SSA will look at your claim. This will delay any benefits decision on your condition or impairment.
SSDI Trap #3: You Believe that You Cannot Afford Legal Help for You SSDI Claim
Many people think that there is simply no way that they could afford a high-quality SSDI lawyer after stopping work. The truth is, the Social Security Administration recognizes this difficulty and it has devised a system that allows many applicants to afford a Social Security lawyer. That is, the SSA only permits compensation of an SSDI lawyer when benefits have been awarded. Furthemore, the compensation the lawyer can receive is limited to a portion of the back benefits. The attorney may only receive up to 25 percent or $6,000 of the back benefits. If you do receive a benefits award, the SSA will pay your attorney directly so you will not have to worry about obtaining or remitting funds to or from the lawyer.
Rely on a Fayetteville Attorney’s SSDI experience
For more than 20 years, Ken Kieklak, Attorney at Law has fought for hardworking people in northwest Arkansas. We understand that this was a difficult decision for you to make and that you are putting you trust in our practice. Ken cares and fights for each of our clients strategically and aggressively.
To see how Ken Kieklak may be able to assist you in your SSDI benefits claim, contact us for a free and confidential consultation. Call (479) 316-0438 or contact us online.